
Thursday, June 12, 2014

William B. Stokes

William B. Stokes was a prominent attorney, politician, and colonel from Temperance Hall, Tennessee. He served in the Tennessee House of Representatives and the Tennessee State Senate. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War he was placed in command of the 5th Tennessee Cavalry. Stokes worked closely with Governor Andrew Johnson to rid the state of Tennessee of guerrilla warfare. He and his men's biggest goal was to capture or kill the notorious Champ Ferguson. Stokes also allied with Tinker Dave Beaty in an effort to capture or kill Ferguson. Many historians believe that Beaty fought along side Stokes at the Battle of Dug Hill. The Battle of Dug Hill, or Battle of the Calfkiller hurt the military reputation of Stokes. Colonel Stokes lost most of his men in the battle, as they were defeated by the Confederate forces led by General George Dibrell and Champ Ferguson. Stokes and his 5th Tennessee also fought at the Battle of Stones River. After the war ended Stokes lived the rest of his life as an attorney in Alexandria, Tennessee. He was also reelected to the Tennessee House of Representatives. Stokes died on March 14, 1897. He is buried in the East View Cemetery in Alexandria.

For more information about Stokes, check out any of the books written about Champ Ferguson.

Stay tuned for more blog posts about tales from Tennessee and beyond.

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